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August 23, 2024

The simplest method is to use the tools built into your web browser. Just right-click on the part of the website you're interested in and select "Inspect Element". Then, right-click on the highlighted HTML code and choose "Copy" > "Copy Element".

Us debt


Are school teachers jealous?

Live Screen Recorder - Chrome Web Store Are you looking for an easy way to record your screen and create engaging videos? Look no further than the Live Screen Recorder browser extension! With the Live ...

Shameful history of human rights abuses': US leaders boycott Modi's visit

Dragon, in the mythologies, legends, and folktales of various cultures, a large lizard- or serpent-like creature, conceived as evil in some ...

Relations between India and China have been worsening. The two world powers are facing off against each other along ...


August 19, 2024

August 17, 2024

Some political interest...


When Webmaster think her political views is No!!

TeamViewer Domain T shirt

Boss quote

Uncle Sam doesn’t want to light

Learn the process of certificate validation and verification a web browser performs to ensure a certificate can be trusted.

A political campaign is an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making progress within a specific group. In democracies, political ...


We are award winning event planners in Bangladesh. We have 15 years of experience on managing Corporate Events, Conference & Seminars, Exhibition organized, ...

What is the difference between the Laws of Heaven and Laws of Earth?

August 16, 2024

Political adventure!!